Christmas training advent calender: 2nd Dec 2011, Day 1


Ho, ho ho…..Merry Xmas,

Its the season to be merry, good will to all men and for some of us, a damn good reason to eat like we’ve never eaten before!!

Some of us, will be putting on anything from 1/2 stone to 1 stone, or even more!! Ouch, then we’ll spend the first few months of the year, like every other new resolution sucker, blasting away like that headless turkey from xmas day on some treadmill in a battery farm, some people call health clubs!!

Well hopefully help is at hand, I’ll be posting a new exercise routine for your guys to do everyday up until xmas. so hopefully we can keep that xmas bulge at bay, and start the new year not so far away from our target weights next year..

Please leave feedback, and your results after every session.

Ok, so here goes, first session. nice and easy 3 exercises. make sure you

Warm up:

5 – 10 Minutes of cardio. (go for a run, skipping, fast walk, climb some stairs)

Main session:

3 rounds for time of:

50 Push­ups

50 Sit­ups
50 Squats

please post your time below in comments.

Boring disclaimer part.

Here at 180 Degrees we advise everyone before entering a new exercise programme to get a full health assessment and sign off by the GP, reborn also accept no responsibility of anyone suffering from injury, illness or shear stupidity to hurt themselves with these basic exercises)