Christmas training advent calender: 7th Dec 2011, Day 6

On the 7th day of December my true love gave to me…….A brand new lovely foam roller!!!

Hooray to that, therefore today’s workout is all about spending some time mobilizing, flexing and releasing any tension and stresses in your body.

A quick note before we start on why we need to rid ourselves of stresses.

When you are mentally stressed and you keep trying to push your body physically during workouts (which is therefore applying more stress to your body), the straw that can break the camel’s back will eventually happen (please read drop a dress size re. Cortisol levels).

“Don’t train unless you can gain.”

This means that unless you can give 100% to your training session, you are wasting your time.
Remember this: you either get better or worse, you never stay the same. If this session is not going to make you better, then you need more rest and you should go for a massage, swim or walk along the beach, get fresh air and sunlight. I do anything to de-stress. Then when you arrive at your next session, you can then truly give it 100% and stimulate a result.
If you are going to be able to give 100% to the training session and get the results you deserve for your efforts, you must make sure you work at reducing stress in your life and improve your health.

AS you can see if it vital that we de-stress and relax as well.

OK lets get going, first all you guys need to do is, stay inside (thank god for that, its freezing in Poole), clear some floor space and get ready for a great mobility and flexibility vitalizer. follow this video, move by move, step by step.

WOW, i know i feel better now and ready for another training session tomorrow.

Boring disclaimer part.

Here at 180 Degrees we advise everyone before entering a new exercise programme to get a full health assessment and sign off by the GP, reborn also accept no responsibility of anyone suffering from injury, illness or shear stupidity to hurt themselves with these basic exercises)