What your council may not be telling you about adding fluoride to our drinking water!!

Many local councils in the uk, are starting to add fluoride to our drinking water, without the consent of the general public.

This is due a thought from government officials that the extra fluoride may help protect children’s teeth!!!

However have a read of this and then make your mind up whether it’s a good idea.


Cellular Metabolism is Controlled by Thyroid.

The rate of cellular metabolism and energy production is regulated by thyroid hormones. These hormones are deficient in many people because their body has insufficient iodine to produce them. The result is fatigue, depression, overweight, dry skin, cold hands or feet, hair loss, brittle nails, puffy eyes, constipation, brain damage and a lower IQ. There is a simple way to correct iodine deficiency that you can read about here.

However, even if you have enough iodine, you may still have insufficient thyroid hormones due to the presence of iodine blockers in your diet. Chlorine and fluoride are iodine blockers commonly added to municipal drinking water. Bromide is an iodine blocker used to bleach white flour for bread. These chemicals compete with the uptake of iodine and slow the production of essential thyroid hormones. Certain foods have the same effect, such as soy products that can interfere with the absorption and assimilation of iodine. For healthy cellular metabolism, you need a healthy thyroid gland producing abundant thyroid hormones.


In the body, iodine is displaced by fluorine, chlorine and bromine. These four minerals are known as “halogens”. The smaller the atomic weight, the more reactive is the element. Here are the atomic weights of the four halogens:

fluorine 18.99
chlorine 35.45
bromine 79.90
iodine 126.70


“Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.”
– Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, U.S. National Cancer Institute

“Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.”
– U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality

“In the 1960s mandated iodine containing dough was equivalent to the RDA of 150 ug per slice of bread. At that time the incidence of breast cancer was only 1 in 20. In the past 20 years the use of iodine supplementation in bread was eliminated and a goiter producing substance toxic to the thyroid gland (bromine) was introduced as replacement for iodine. The risk for breast cancer is now 1 in 8 and this risk is increasing by one percent each year.”
– Dr. James Howenstine, MD

There is growing evidence that Americans would have better health and a lower incidence of cancer and fibrocystic disease of the breast if they consumed more iodine. A decrease in iodine intake coupled with an increased consumption of competing halogens, fluoride and bromide, has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America.
– Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD


“It is of interest to note that breast tissue contains lactoperoxydase which is capable of oxydation and organification of iodide and bromide. The breast needs iodine for normal function and protection against breast cancer. High bromide levels in breast tissue would compete with iodine, interfering with the cancer-protecting role of iodine in the breast.”
– Guy. E. Abraham, MD

“An intake of 150 µg/day of iodine will prevent goiters and the other recognized iodine deficiency disorders, but not breast disease. Prevention of breast disease requires higher doses of iodine. Indeed, a reasonable hypothesis is that, like goiters and cretinism, fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast cancer are iodine deficiency disorders (also uterine fibroids).”
– Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

“Iodine also induces apoptosis, programmed cell death.”
– Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

“…iodine in the extra-cellular fluid outside of the cells is the main surveillance system for abnormal cells…The name of this process is apoptosis…Carefully documented descriptions of the cancer process at different places in the body reveals most cancers have similar stages through which it passes. The cancers are not really cancer until the cells start to move by invasion through the nearby connective tissue. Cells develop abnormalities for a variety of reasons and can continue to become abnormal all the way up through atypical cells and to carcinoma in situ…Iodine in correct doses will reverse all of the changes up to and including the carcinoma in situ.”
– David M. Derry, MD, PhD

“Dr. Abraham has proposed that the optimal daily dose of iodine for a person is approximately 12.5 mg, which is 100 times the RDA of 0.125 mg…Japanese women, who have one of the lowest breast cancer rates in the world, ingest more than 13 mg of iodine daily from seaweed without suffering any adverse consequences…Dr. Abraham notes that research has shown that the thyroid gland prefers to utilize the iodide form of iodine, while other organs, such as the breast and ovaries, prefer the elemental form of iodine. Both of these forms are present in Lugol’s solution…The dosage of about 12.5 mg of iodine daily can be obtained with 2 drops of Lugol’s solution or as an identical over-the-counter solution. This same dosage is also available over-the-counter in tablet or capsule. Each capsule or tablet or 2 drops of the Lugol’s solution contains 5 mg of the reduced elemental form of iodINE (preferred by the breast, ovary and prostate) and 7.5 mg in the iodIDE form (preferred by the thyroid gland). Numerous testimonials indicate that many patients improve many symptoms with optimal supplementation of this supplement.”
– Michael B. Schachter, MD

“Of all the elements known so far to be essential for human health, iodine is the most misunderstood and the most feared. Yet, iodine is the safest of all the essential trace elements, being the only one that can be administered safely for long periods of time to large numbers of patients in daily amounts as high as 100,000 times the RDA.”
– Dr. David Brownstein

“…our modern agriculture decreased potassium and iodine in our nutrition, precisely the minerals essential for prevention of cancer.” – Max Gerson, M.D. page 142.


Nutrients That Help Restore Apoptosis

Coenzyme Q10


A diet high in nucleotides will increase cellular metabolism and the production of energy. Essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6 in equal quantities) increase oxidation, energy levels, and stamina, plus regular exercise.

In summary, please join any campaign you can to lobby against this potential health risk in your area.